The best solutions are created together

Exceptional products and services are created when data, design and code consistently team up.

That’s what our founders Peter Kerschhofer and Markus Nenning discovered when establishing Sclable in 2012. It’s been a guiding principle since. For over a decade, our hyper-collaborative and empathetic approach has set us apart in a tech-focused field. Our clients benefit from the support and specialized skills of over 50 experts from diverse professional backgrounds.

Our management team

Headshot of Michaela Holzmann
Michaela Holzmann
Director of Product & Service Design
Headshot of Markus Nenning
Markus Nenning
Managing Director
Headshot of Karl Holzer
Karl Holzer
Director of People & Operations
Headshot of Peter Kerschhofer
Peter Kerschhofer
Managing Director, Digital Advisory
Headshot of Christoph Ambichl
Christoph Ambichl
Director of Technology

Why sclable?

Analytical approach

We “unsilo” our clients’ companies, their products and their services, with our cross-discipline way of working.

Human focus

We ensure the loyalty of our clients’ users by making them the center of experiences that combine design, data, and code.

Progress mindset

We discover our clients’ pathways to growth. Not the skyrocketing and nosediving kind. We generate viable, resilient and continual growth.

Senior-level access

Consistent contact with highly experienced experts throughout the project lifecycle, ensures clarity and strategic alignment.

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