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Upgrade your workflows to level-up the way you work, save costs and future-proof your business.

In short: your current workflows need to be 'Intelligent Workflows'.

Compared to traditional ways of working, with Workflow Intelligence your processes can:

  • be highly automated

    By using AI and other emerging technologies, Workflow Intelligence can automate a substantial amount of manual work. Doing so saves time, shifts employees’ focus onto tasks more vital to the business and helps prevent common manual errors.

  • use and leverage available data

    Data is the hidden driver of your business. To increase data’s value, it’s essential it’s maximized. Workflow Intelligence collects and qualifies data throughout all business processes to build a strong base for further use.

    Workflow Intelligence also makes data accessible in a structured way. By building a knowledge hub and training conversational models, your business can mitigate the risk of losing expert knowledge and empower your workforce in times of labor shortages.

    Finally, by training AI models and supporting your employees with the right data at the right time, Workflow Intelligence ensures better and more autonomous decision-making, which speeds up processes and reduces risk.

  • create exceptional user experiences

    Business processes involve people, and it’s important that the workflows of your employees, partners and clients are supported. By providing optimized, appealing user interfaces that reduce (or hide) complexity, Workflow Intelligence results in high user satisfaction, faster processes and reduced risk of faulty operations.

  • integrate into existing systems

    Your business has been running for a while, likely with established processes and legacy systems in place. Workflow Intelligence can add a Digital Journey Layer to create a single platform that integrates existing systems via APIs to seamlessly guide your users through updated processes. Doing so can virtually eliminate system discontinuities and the need to switch between systems.

Make Workflow Intelligence happen with sclable

To enhance your ways of working, and automate with data and AI, sclable implements Workflow Intelligence with a structured approach that’s user-centric and data driven.

Bringing together experts from data, design and code, sclable’s team executes the following process:

  1. Analyze existing workflows, identify improvement opportunities and define KPIs to quantify results
  2. Redesign existing workflows into 'Intelligent Workflows' and bring them to life through iterative implementation.
  3. Measure and validate KPIs.

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Headshot of Markus Nenning
Markus Nenning
Managing Director
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